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Inventory Systems
Offer of the week
Plastic Boxes
-Polypropylene Boxes (PP)
EPPi® Box Max
-Polypropylene Boxes (PP) 133 x 133 mm / 10x10 dividers
-Polypropylene Boxes (PP)
EPPi® Box
without ID code
alphanum. ID code
alphanum. ID code
alphanum. ID code
alphanum. ID code
alphanum. ID code
numeric ID code
numeric ID code
hole insert
numeric ID code
-Polypropylene Boxes (PP)
Hinged lid
-Polycarbonate Boxes (PC)
-Boxes made of Polysterene (PS)
Fiberboard Boxes
Stainless steel Boxes
Grid Dividers
(Plastic or Fiberboard)
EPPi® Cryo vials
Thorbi® Cryo vials
Vertical Racks,
for Chest Freezers,
Stainless steel
Horizontal Racks,
for Upright Freezers,
Stainless steel
Drawer Racks,
for Upright Freezers,
Stainless steel
Upright Bins, Stainless steel and Plastic
Organizer Units, Stainless steel
Mini Cooler, QuickFreeze,
Cryo Freezer
Straight-side wide-mouth Jars
for specimen storage
Thorbi insulated container
With and without lid
Polystyrene Hole Inserts

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Inventory Systems : Plastic Boxes > Polypropylene Boxes (PP)
EPPi® Box
> EPPi® KEM:
numeric ID code

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Click on EPPi® KEM, to get back to level Boxes, series KEM

Products in category "EPPi® KEM:
numeric ID code":

EPPi® Box 45 / 9x9 cells, Height 45-53 mm variable
EPPi® Box 45 / 9x9 cells, Height 45-53 mm variable EPPi® Box 45 / 9x9 dividers, Height 45-53 mm variable. 9x9 dividers for 81 vials up to 12,5 mm diameter. With numeric ID code (1-81) on the lid, PP. (See also KEM50).

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€ 3.07
plus 19% VAT.
plus shipping
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EPPi® Box 50 / 9x9 cells, Height 52 mm fix
EPPi® Box 50 / 9x9 cells, Height 52 mm fix EPPi® Box 50 / 9x9 dividers, Height 52 mm fix. Inner height 50 mm. 9x9 dividers for 81 vials up to 12,5 mm diameter. With numeric ID code (1-81) on the lid, PP. (See also KEM45).

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€ 3.07
plus 19% VAT.
plus shipping
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EPPi® Box 75 / 9x9 cells, Height 75 mm fix
EPPi® Box 75 / 9x9 cells, Height 75 mm fix EPPi® Box 75 / 9x9 dividers, Height 75 mm fix. Inner height 73 mm. 9x9 dividers for 81 vials up to 12,5 mm diameter. With numeric ID code (1-81) on the lid, PP.

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€ 3.65
plus 19% VAT.
plus shipping
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EPPi® Box 95 / 9x9 cells, Height 95 mm fix
EPPi® Box 95 / 9x9 cells, Height 95 mm fix EPPi® Box 95 / 9x9 dividers, Height 95 mm fix. Inner height 93 mm. 9x9 dividers for 81 vials up to 12,5 mm diameter. With numeric ID code (1-81) on the lid, PP. Such as for 5 ml Kryo vials.

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€ 4.64
plus 19% VAT.
plus shipping
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  Products: 1
Sum: € 1,260.00

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